Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Musicians That Sell Out

I absolutely hate it when musicians release music that doesn't sound like them just to get played. It drives me nuts. For instance, that new Pearl Jam song? What the hell! That doesn't sound like Eddie Vedder!

Another one is the Backstreet Boys. If it's even possible, they're releasing music more childish than they did in 1998! It's a cop out! They're 30!

Reinvention is great. I get that. Copying trends just to get played? GAH!

And the Pearl Jam Song...

Catchy as hell, though.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson

Did you watch the Michael Jackson memorial service? I caught parts of it and I have to say, it was quite tasteful.

The thing is... I'm not sure how I feel about us memorializing him like this. I know we've all been thinking it and I'll hold off a bit because the guy just died, but I will say this...

Since I (and about 99% of the world) did not know him, all I have to judge him on is his media coverage, which is quite sad, but also honestly true. Are we all huge bandwagon jumpers?

In the coming years, it will be interesting to see how we remember him.

But, his gorgeous daughter absolutely made me cry. I think that we forget that he was a real person. A dad. To us, he was just Wacko Jacko.

No doubt though, he was a true talent.