I tend to blather a lot.
I've been tossing some ideas around in my head for the last little while. I have a couple I'd like to blog a bit about to try and sort out my thoughts a bit.
The first is actually an old idea. I wasn't really getting into the couple new projects I'd started, so I headed back to an old one. I believe I actually have a whole post somewhere on why I should never write a book, but I've started working on a novel-ish project that I started... oh my gosh... like three years ago. The story line had been floating through my head quite a bit lately and I figured 'why not'?
What I have done is switch up my writing process a bit to keep me from going too ADD. I've started to outline it pretty much exactly like I would a screenplay. I have no clue why, but the first time I attempted to write such a long narrative project, I thought it would be just fine to jump right in with nothing but a page of notes scribbled on loose leaf. Not one of my brighter moments. Hopefully, by keeping the process highly organized, it'll alleviate some of the ADD-ish-ness and stuff.
The other project I've been thinking about kind of centers around my job, so I can't say too much. What I can say is that I work in a bit of a... death sector?? If that makes any sense. I regularly deal with people who are dying or dead (well, then I guess I wouldn't actually be dealing with them) or grieving. I think I could probably take this somewhere interesting, but I'm unsure of the direction I'd like to take. I have a bit of a quirky story line I'd like to try, but I'm unsure if it's appropriate. I might try a bit more of a suspense/drama-ish story line.
I had a couple of projects started... a romantic screenplay and a narrative piece. Both seemed great in my head and on paper, but both have sort of stalled. As for the first, I just couldn't find my characters and I didn't feel connected. As for the second, it wasn't making me feel good to write it. The topic was just a little too fresh personally and instead of being cathartic, it just made me feel like shit.
I laughed my ass off watching a clip of Celeb Apprentice tonight. Someone sent me a link to Trace Atkins (sp??) buying nail polish for the BSB. They had the most ridiculous rider and Trace looked like he was going to kick their little asses. If I were ever famous, I'd have the most ridiculous rider just to make smoking gun. I swear. I'm not sure what I'd request... maybe I'd request entertainment. Jesters. Jugglers. Mimes. As for food... what's hard to find? Hmmm... Aloe Juice from Shopper's. Try to find that in Iowa! Old Dutch chips. Cloddhoppers. A latte flown in from South Africa. I don't even like coffee!
I hear that Celine Dion or someone has to have her freaking water at a certain temperature.
Can you imagine how delusional you'd be if you had an army of people on this earth with the sole purpose of catering to your every whim? My God.
I think this would be a good place to stick a youtube link...
I've been listening to this quite a bit. Funny how she's actually talented despite most of us only hearing about how much coke she snorts.
(And I could go into a whole rant about how stupid coke is, but I'll hold back. I mean, how retarded are people? Seriously.)
Featured Friday: Cults
1 day ago
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