Not together, of course.
So, I went on a date with a weird guy. I'm putting that lightly, by the way. He rambled about chemistery the whole time and didn't once ask me a question about myself. He was a total geek. Now, I'm also a geek, but he took it to the wears-pocket-protector level. I just... didn't have a good time. At all. I actually started watching the football game above his head. He was cheap. God, really cheap. As in took me to a nice restaurant and ordered just water, making me super uncomfortable because although I don't expect anyone to pay for me, if he's thinking that he should, I don't want to order and make him feel responsible for my bill (which he wouldn't be... I pay for myself... but still... I think you get my point).
He called a couple times and I didn't call him back. It was just one date. I recently received this message:
I really think you are an interesting, beautiful woman and I was hoping to have the chance to see where things could go between us. It is becoming apparent, however, that you do not feel the same. I have called you on a couple of occasions and have sent you several messages, but have never gotten a response. I understand you are busy (as am I) but I am not going to chase you. If it is just a case of a problem with technology or something like that, I apologize, and look forward to haearing from you soon. If that is not the case, then you won't be hearing from me anymore and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
I was pretty shocked. I mean, it was one date! It became even more apparent that he had no clue how to date, which is why, instead of simply saying 'not interested', I felt the need to educate him a little bit. Which is why I sent him back this:
I'm sorry Chad, but I'm just not interested. There is no specific reason why, but I just didn't feel a connection, which would be why I didn't return your calls. I don't expect anyone to chase me... it's quite common while dating to meet many different people. Some of them you don't call back. It was just one date... I'm sorry if you read more into it than I did. Sorry if this hurt your feelings.
Sure, it was a little cruel, but COME ON! It was one date! One date!
Onto the swine flu... I thought that Sanjay Gupta diagnosing Anderson Cooper with swine flu live via satellite was actually funny. I mean, they were both fine. It was comical. You should look up the clip on youtube.
Brian Litrell was recently diagnosed and v-blogged (or whatever you want to call it) an apology for... a cancelled appearance? Apparently, the Backstreet Boys still sing or what have you. Anyways, his message actually made me feel sympathy pain! Dude looks like crap!
I originally saw the clip on Perez Hilton, but here's a nifty youtube vid embedded right before your eyes!
Apparently up to 40% of us will look just as horrible this winter. Fun times!
Featured Friday: Cults
1 day ago
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