Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bale Is A Retard

Will Dixon just posted a bit of a different take on the whole Christian Bale rant. You can read it by clicking the link on my side bar.

I still think it was an ass wipe thing to do.

I don't care if you're putting yourself out there. Now, I'm not saying that I don't understand the pressure of being an actor. Or the intensity of being an actor. I'm no Christian Bale, but I've been an actor and I've worked as talent. I understand. You're the one people see/hear. I get it.

It's still no excuse.

Will's POV is interesting none the less.

See, this is how it should be. I don't agree with his POV, but I'm not yelling and screaming and calling him a mo$%^& f$%^&er co** s#%^er because of it!

We all get angry. The decent people know where to draw the line.

I really have no clue why this makes me so upset. I mean, I don't know Christian Bale. I never will. I'll never have to deal with him. I think it probably has something to do with the fact that I would like to think that, deep down, we'd all like to get together and sing 'It's A Small World' while holding hands. I understand that's a little idealistic. But people like Christian Bale bring dreamers like me back down to reality and, well, it makes me a little upset. Completely silly, I know.

Let me dream, Christian! Let me dream!

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