So, apparently, my big annonymous confession to my three (or less) readers has helped me deal with the issues I talked about. Who would have thought? Well, other than every psychologist who ever lived that is...
Just admitting to myself that having other people see my work freaks the hell out of me seems to have remedied part of the problem. I mean, I bit the bullet and had other people read my work before, but it was always so uncomfortable. While it's still a little 'crazy inducing', it's easier to deal with now. I'm finding that I'm more excited than freaked about the round of workshopping coming up in my creative writing class. The bottom line is that I want to know what others think about my work. I really do. So I've decided to look at it from that perspective.
Although I know why I get so anxious at a very base level, I'm still unable to fully explain my anxiety because it seems so retarded to begin with. While I'd like to say that most fears are irrational anyway, my psych teacher would disagree. (Infact, most fears are very rational on an instictual basis... there's a reason why those BIG main fears of heights and snakes and what have you are so prevelent... and it's because people with these fears tend to survive longer. Seriously. Or they did, evelutionarily speaking). Okay. Back on topic. Since my fear is completely irrational, there's no reason to pick it apart. It's time to put on my big girl panties and deal with it. Which is what I think my last post forced me to do.
I thought of a new idea for my creative writing short story. I think it'll work well... It's about... one member of a couple takes something away from the other. The hurt-ee is, well, hurt, and decides that the only thing left to do is to take away something from her former partner. She's got one important thing of his by the balls. She figures that taking away this one thing will sting worse than what's been done to her. The thing she doesn't realize is the reprecusions of taking said thing away on herself. She comes to the conclusion that her partner isn't worth taking away THAT THING because she's worth more than that. He's not worth hurting herself to hurt him. If that makes any sense. It's a very simple concept at it's base and I'm hoping it'll turn into a good character study.
Featured Friday: Cults
1 day ago
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