Friday, September 26, 2008


There were some changes at work today that changed my job description. Basically, in the spirit of giving me more time to do my main task, something that I enjoy doing was taken away. It's really a mixed bag. Part of me needs the time and part of me wants to scream and yell. I've been very busy at work lately and it's obviously not working... I need to focus on my main task... but at the same time, I don't want to give up something that I love.

I had an honest conversation with my APD today about it and pretty much reminded him that although I know they're not going to change their minds, what was being changed was something that enticed me to come out here. Basically, it was a bit of a hold over of my old job to the new job because I didn't want to give up all of my old job up. It was something that was part of the package when I moved out here and I just feel like it's been taken away piece by piece.

So, he asked -- very politically correctly -- if I was thinking of doing this thing ever again. Which really meant that he was asking if I was looking at leaving. I told him that if I ever did this thing again, I would hope that it would be with the same company but that I wasn't sure. Very uncomfortable considering that the APD is actually a good friend.

I'm good at being talent. I don't mean to sound conceited, but I'm a good DJ. I moved up the on air ladder quite quickly and when I moved out here, I gave most of that up. I listen to shows from when I was really good and I feel... upset. Because since I'm not doing that sort of thing all the time, I feel that I'm off my game and out of practice and maybe not as good as I used to be. But I also struggle with the public part of being a DJ -- always being on -- you might laugh, but it's actually kind of awful if you're a little shy like I can be. I struggle when I'm in front of a crowd. I struggle when random people approach me in superstore. I struggle when wackos memorize my bio off the station web site or ask me out via the request line. I struggle with a whole lot of things that come naturally to most on air talent. I'm not anti social... but I'm also not the most outgoing person, so that's why I moved away from that social aspect a bit. But for whatever reason, I'm now struggling with not being talent.

I have a choice to make. This career is going to get me through school, so I'm going to be in it for quite awhile longer (maybe forever) and I need to think long and hard about what makes me feel happiest. Am I willing to give up the talent part of my job? Or, am I willing to force myself into situations that I feel uncomfortable with to keep that aspect of my job?

I've always said that I've never wanted to do a morning show. A morning show is the epitome of success. I've never done it full time. I did a two month stretch once when a DJ was very sick and worked with a co-host that I had no chemistry with and I think that turned me off. Plus, by 11 AM, I didn't want to talk to me because I was so damn grouchy. But, now, I think that I might really want to get there some day. I want to be able to say that I did it.

I don't know why all of these thoughts are hitting me now. Confusing.

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